While You're Home...

Home! It’s where it’s at these days! (It’s the only place it’s at. Really. Stay home.)

Our team at SYH can’t take care of you if you’re sick. We don’t develop national stimulus policy. We can’t manufacture PPE or ventilators. BUT, we can say this: we specialize in HOME.

Over the past week, we’ve been urged to buy often and buy local, so the Corona pandemic doesn’t spell the end for our favorite small eateries and shops. Far be it from us not to do our part when called upon to shop.

Keri’s been ordering in cocktails from Cardinal Spirits, the Bloomington distillery that is now churning out hand sanitizer like it’s their job. She’s also donated and purchased future classes for her daughter at Stage Flight. Susan’s had hair products delivered to her door by a local salon and is stocking up on notecards from Paper Source, because keeping the economy strong is as good an excuse as any to buy these beauties. (If you throw in socks and a book of record covers for your husband, you too may hit the free shipping threshold.) Yesterday, La Vie en Rose brought still-warm baguettes and croissants to her door - a reward for the family for a whole week of distance learning. Leslie’s homesteading efforts are helping keep Bloomington Speedway Mulch & More and Black Lumber alive; they will deliver mulch and stone and lumber for your long put off raised beds and little free libraries. Caitlin came up for air long enough between wrangling her two littles to say she has been digging the goods Gather is selling via Instagram: you can buy from them on FaceTime!

It’s clear: staying home and buying things right now just might be the only and best thing you can do during this national crisis. (Unless you’re Essential, in which case, THANK YOU. We are more grateful for your service and bravery than you’ll ever know.)

So. Since at SYH we know HOME, we figure we can help you, help the world — and at the same time, make your home a little more pleasant. Because you will be there for a good long while yet. Some of you alone. Some of you with your parents. Some of you with your spouse. Some of you with all your kids, homeschooling, cocktail in hand.

Hang in there. We’re with you. It’s gonna be ok.

Note: while you’re busy living life at a different pace than you’re used to, this exercise of purchasing-to-save-the-world can also help you work on your patience! Something we all need more of. Shipping is probably going to take a while. Channel your inner Andy Warhol and remember what you’ve forgotten since you signed up for Amazon Prime: “Waiting for something makes it more exciting.”

Susan Yeley